Annexure 1: Overlaps across lab and radiology services
Of 1,123 ODP visits analyzed, 465 visits, or 41%, availed of Lab investigations. 250 visits did no avail of any other investigations, 136 also had a USG exam, 70 also have an X-Ray, and 9 visits required all three - Lab, X-Ray and USG. This is illustrated in the Venn digram below.

The union of all three circles totals to 603—the number of visits where at least one investigative service was required. By definition, this equals the number of slow-track visits. The balance 520 were fast-track visits.
Annexure 2: OPD coordinator screen

Red is used for slow-track, and blue for fast-track. The elements of the screen, from left to right, are:
The topmost line shows summary statistics and time.
The table on the top left shows patients who are yet to be seen by a Physician. These patients are assigned to a physician in the bottom right hand corner. A drag and drop interface is recommended for ease of use.
The table on the top mid shows slow-track patients who have already undergone investigations fully, and are awaiting the second (diagnosis/ prescription) consultation.
The table on the top right shows slow-track patients whose investigations are due for completion.
Finally, the bottom left corner shows physician-wise statistics. Based on current patient load and historical data, columns for patient allocation targets can also be added to the table, so it is easier for the OPD coordinator to assign patients.
S-1 is slow-track consultation
S-2 is slow-track diagnosis/ prescription
F is fast-track
Last updated